Forum eikones, Rheinsprung 11, 4051 Basel
Christoph Haffter und Paula Stoica
The Concept and the Arts. Genealogies of Conceptual Art

Contemporary art is post-conceptual art. This currently widespread view represents the conceptualart of the 1960s and 1970s as a caesura whose far-reaching effects on art production
extend to the present day. But what exactly does this view mean? And which works are paradigmaticof (historical) conceptual art? Marcel Duchamp, John Cage, Art & Language or
Hanne Darboven? What terms of the "conceptual" do these practices propose? And how dothey relate to each other and to social reality? After all, conceptual art emerged at a time of
social upheaval (the 1968 movement, the civil rights movement, the second feminist wave),which it in turn absorbed.
We will explore these questions in a one-day, interdisciplinary workshop. Our assumption is that the individual art forms - literature, visual art, music - have established different conceptions
of conceptual art, each with their own specific genealogies, which have affected post-conceptual art production in their own way. In the joint discussion, we also want to discuss the extent to which we can speak of overlaps and common objectives.
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