11 Oct 2021
18:15  - 20:00

eikones, via Zoom. Please sign up for Zoom link

Lior Levy, Nomis-Fellow

Public event

NOMIS-Lecture - Fanon's Masks - Textual Imagery in Peau noire, masques blancs

Concept by Lior Levy, NOMIS-Fellow.


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Frantz Fanon declares in the final chapter of Peau noire, masques blancs (1952) that the purpose of his book is “to induce man to be actional.” My talk will examine Fanon’s use of textual imagery as a stimulus for the reader’s political imagination, arguing that such imagery is meant to facilitate action. Focusing on Fanon’s masks as both a frame for the text and one of its central organizing principles, I will explore the mask as the meeting point between concealment and exposure, object and gaze, and colony and metropole, and reflect on the possibilities embedded in the image that brings together such opposing poles.  


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