Forum eikones, Rheinsprung 11, 4051 Basel and online
eikones - Zentrum für die Theorie und Geschichte des Bildes, Universität Basel
Television's Useful Images

For participating online, please sign up here for Zoom link.
What is television doing in the military, in schools, in the medical context? How to think of television images that help decide the outcome of a sports competition? This two-day workshop investigates those and other applications of television that redefine the medium as a useful tool, rather than a mass medium. It brings together scholars from various disciplines including media studies, science and technology studies, history of medicine, and television studies. The workshop will be organized as a hybrid event (with online and offline participation) and the discussion will be continued at a follow-up workshop in Amsterdam on 1 and 2 December 2022.
Fernanda Bruno, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Carlos d’Andréa, Federal University of Minas Gerais; Kit Hughes, Colorado State University; André Mintz, Federal University of Minas Gerais; Laura Niebling, University of Regensburg; Markus Stauff, University of Amsterdam; Márcio Telles, Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná; Anne-Katrin Weber, University of Basel; Daniela Zetti, Technische Universität München
Friday, October 14, 2022 (Forum eikones & online)
14:00–15:00: Markus Stauff, Television as Referee: Institutional and Vernacular Epistemologies in Media Sport, in person
15:15–16:15: Anne-Katrin Weber, Atomic TV: Towards a History of Television’s Industrial-Military Complex, in person
16:45–17:45: Laura Niebling & Daniela Zetti, Medical Imaging Networks. Protocol, Model, Document, online
Saturday, October 15, 2022 (online)
14:00–15:00: Kit Hughes, Mediated Intimacies, Managed Workers: from Downsizing to COVID-19, online
15:15–16:15: Carlos d’Andréa, Márcio Telles and Eduardo Oliveira, A 1980's Video Assistant (not for the) Referee: an exploratory study of "Tira-Teima" technology in Brazil, online
16:45–17:45: Fernanda Bruno, Predictive images: gestures under surveillance, online
18:00–19:00: André Mintz, Seeing the image for the network: making use of images in digital methods, online
Program, abstracts and biographical notes here (pdf).
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