Aicha Revellat
PhD candidate
Aicha Revellat
Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät
eikones – Zentrum für die Theorie und Geschichte des Bildes

PhD candidate

Rheinsprung 9/11
4051 Basel

Tel. +41 61 207 18 46

Aïcha Revellat studied English Literature and Linguistics (BA) and Art History and Image Theory (MA) at the University of Basel. 2017 research assistant at the Aargauer Kunsthaus (Aarau). Since 2014 art educator at the Schaulager (Münchenstein) and the Kunstmuseum Basel. Since 2021 member of the eikones Graduate School.

Hannah Villiger: Articulations of the everyday in the photographic, sculptural and graphic Œuvre

Today, Hannah Villiger (1951–1997) is known mostly for the representation of her own naked body as large-size, so called sculptural photographs. The dissertation represents the first substantial academic discussion of the swiss artists’ work. The research on the genesis of the sculptural work will also comprise the set of drawings and collages as well as the late works, many of which have never been displayed publicly up until today. The current hypothesis for the project is based on the idea of the everyday as being fundamental for Villiger's work, whether it is in the artists dealings with materials, media or temporal progressions. One of the main goals of this multiperspective approach is the reassessment of Villiger’s relevance for the development of photography and sculpture in Switzerland and internationally since the late 1970s.