eikones houses a public library that can be consulted at the Rheinsprung 11. The library at Rheinsprung 11 is a satellite of Schaulager’s library in Münchenstein, Basel-Land. Its inventory is continually expanding. The library inventory is accounted for in the catalog swisscovery. The location of its book is identified in the catalog as “Basel Schaulager, Standort in eikones Rheinsprung 11.”
The library collects books from areas of research relevant to eikones. Alongside fundamental works on the theory and history of images, the library continually acquires current book related to image studies and makes them available to the public.
Use of the library’s books for educational or research purposes is only possible in house (no external lending).
For further information, please contact:
Dr. Stephan E. Hauser
T +41 61 335 32 32
(or at the secretary's office at +41 61 207 18 01)