Educational Program
All members of the eikones Graduate school are subject to the doctoral study regulations of the University of Basel. Please further take note of the faculty’s guidelines.
1. Requisites
In addition to the completion of a dissertation, the requisites of the eikones Graduate school include the completion of 18 credit points. These points are to be accumulated as follows: Participation in the Research Colloquium (6 credit points), two seminars on image theory (6 credit points) and 6 credit points from the field of transferable skills.

2.1. eikones Colloquium
The eikones colloquium “Research Questions and Results” takes place each spring semester (3 credit point). All doctorate students at eikones must be enrolled in the course. It offers a regular framework for discussing dissertation projects. It also serves to develop new interdisciplinary lines of questions and to discuss the research of guests.
2.2. Theory of the Image (fall semester) and Historical Perspectives on the Theory of the Image (spring semester)
The basis of the doctorate program consists in the two fundamentals seminars “Theory of the Image” and “Historical Perspectives on the Theory of the Image” (each 3 credit points). These seminars introduce doctorate students into the questions, theories, concepts, and the history of image theory. Connections to other disciplines such as philosophical aesthetics and art history will also be illuminated.
2.3 Transferable Skills
In order to ensure that doctorate students are well situated in their own disciplines, the doctorate program includes discipline-specific requisites (6 credit points). These are central for professional success and well as success in research.
These 6 credit points can be acquired through various means, always by prior agreement with the advisor of the dissertation. Possible activities include participation at conferences, workshops, colloquia, and doctoral seminars; also organizing scholarly events and the completion of the scholarly internships or professional experience. All credit points need to be registered in MOMA. Events that do not appear in Services must be regulated through an Electronic Learning Contract signed by either the doctoral advisor or the coordinator of the doctorate program. The credit point value of different events is listed in the Wegleitung Doktorat der Philosophischen-Historischen Fakultät (pages 9–11).