Stephanie Schuster
PhD candidatePhD candidate
PhD candidate
Philosophisches Seminar
Steinengraben 5
PhD candidate
Curriculum Vitae
I studied Biogeography at the University of Trier and Philosophy, Nordic Philology and Anthropology at the University of Basel. My MA thesis (Philosophy) engages with the literary work of Peter Kurzeck and explores experiences of time in various cases of aesthetic appreciation (Max-Fäh-Award 2019). Since September 2022, I have been working on my PhD thesis and am a member of the eikones Graduate School. My supervisors are Prof. Markus Wild and Prof. Emily Brady. I am a recipient of a SNSF Doc.CH grant in Philosophy.
Current Project
Natural Beauty, Time, and the Good Life
My dissertation makes a contribution to Environmental Aesthetics by examining the following thesis: The temporal characteristics of natural entities that are manifested in specific sensual qualities invite particular experiences of time in aesthetic appreciation, especially encounters with the (deep and closer) past, the present, the flow of time, and animals’ times. These experiences have a significant eudaimonic meaning, in particular because they deepen the senses of antiquity, duration, and continuity, excite profound thoughts and insights about existential time, and evoke experiences of synchronization of world time and life time, which contribute to a sense of belonging to the (natural) world.