Forum eikones, Rheinsprung 11, 4051 Basel
EIKONES - Zentrum für die Theorie und Geschichte des Bildes, Universität Basel

Film was and is a central tool for research in the sciences. Moving images are part of the experimental work in the laboratory, they are part of the scientific modelling practices and they are used to present evidence as well as to communicate knowledge. This talk maps how moving images can become epistemically effective. The existing studies on scientific films treat moving images mainly as an instrument of making (invisible) movement processes visible. However, a focus on the repeated events of viewing, screening, and publishing scientific films from the laboratory outside of the laboratory can show how scientific moving images served as a medium of translation between science and society. By presenting case studies of films that are characterized by a divide between where and how they were recorded and where and how they were shown, this talk proposes a new way to analyze the entanglements of scientific films with the global flows of knowledge and capital.
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